- Amethyst, a purple variety of Quartz and is February’s birth stone. Worn to make a person gentle and amiable. Also known for improving dreams, healing, bringing peace, inspiring love, uplifting the spirit, bringing about courage, psychism, protection against thieves, and helping to create happiness. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride, sudden temperature changes
- Green Amethyst, also called Prasiolite is a Silicon Dioxide and a macro crystalline Quartz variety, its coloration is caused by Iron content and heat-treatment. It is believed to facilitate bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual aspects of life. It is also believed to attract prosperity by strengthening the mind, emotions and will. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, household chemicals, heat
- Andalucite is strongly pleiochroic gem. Believed to reduce anxiety, stress, guilt, loneliness and depression. It is often referred to as the seeing stone as it works to see the various sides of a person’s character, or the various sides of a problem. It also helps to bring balance and enhances memory. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: solvents, acids, heat
- Apatite is made of Phosphate mineral. Believed to enhance one’s insight, learning abilities and creativity, and gives increased self-confidence. It is also said to help achieve deeper states of meditation, facilitate the desired results when working with other minerals, improve one’s coordination, strengthen muscles, help suppress hunger and ease hypertension. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, ammonia, acids, hot water, heat
- Blue Apatite is a Phosphate mineral. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, ammonia, acids, hot water, heat
- Aquamarine is an almost colorless pale blue to blue-green or teal member of the Beryl family. It is the birthstone for March. Aquamarine has been believed to endow the wearer with foresight, courage, and happiness. It is said to increase intelligence and make one youthful. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, cosmetics, hairspray, perfume, household chemicals, heat
- Moss Aquamarine: The name Aquamarine comes from the Latin aqua marinus, meaning “water of the sea,” and refers to its sparkling ocean-like color. The pale blue, transparent crystal is a member of the Beryl family. Its color, sometimes bluish green, is caused by iron oxides within the chemical makeup of the stone. It is calming, soothing, and cleansing, and inspires truth, trust and letting go. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, cosmetics, hairspray, perfume, household chemicals, heat
- Topaz (White, Blue, London, Swiss Topaz) is Aluminum Fluorosilicate and is December’s birthstone. London Topaz is said to increase the wearers intelligence, creativity and wisdom, and can enhance one’s spiritual potential. It is also known to aid in meditation and in the divine manifestation of desired objects. Topaz is said to bring physical and intellectual vigor, good health, and is said to offer protection against infectious diseases. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, acids, rapid temperature changes, heat
- Carnelian is member of the Quartz family and beneficial in the treatment of infertility and is worn to enhance passion and desire. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, household chemicals, extreme temperature changes
- Chrysoprase is opalescent apple green colored variety of Chalcedony (Quartz), it derives its color from the nickel content. Chrysoprase is said to be gentle, soothing and friendly. It aids in spiritual protection, prevents depression, increases grace, equilibrium and increases fertility. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: household chemicals, extreme temperature changes
- Citrine is a quartz and is November’s birthstone. It is believed to promote creativity, helps personal clarity and eliminates self-destructive tendencies. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride, extreme temperature changes
- Coral is calcified skeletons of sea creatures that grow in formations resembling the branches of a tree. Coral is believed to have the power to dispel the malignant effects of the evil eye. Recommended Cleaning: wipe clean with a damp soft cloth Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, prolonged water immersion, harsh cosmetics/sprays, heat
- Diamonds are the birthstone of April, a fitting gem to symbolize the start of something new just like springtime. The word diamond is derived from the Greek word “adamas” meaning “invincible”. Most diamonds come from South Africa. It is said diamonds are good for coughs and mucus problems. Diamonds are the symbol of innocence and constancy. Clean your diamond jewelry by wiping it with a lint-free cloth or with warm water, mild soap and a soft toothbrush, or by dipping it briefly in a commercial cleaning solution. Gently pat dry with a clean soft cloth, & periodically have its setting examined by a professional jeweler .
- Diamonds can occur in nearly any color; yellow and brown are by far the most common. The Pink diamond is a member of the Carbon family and is the hardest substance known. The word Diamond is derived from the Greek word “adamas” which means “hardest metal” reflecting the property of the stone. Colored diamonds contain impurities or structural defects that cause the coloration. The most common impurity, nitrogen, causes a slight to intense yellow coloration depending upon the type and concentration of nitrogen present. Crystal lattice defects during the formation of diamond cause the pink color. To clean diamonds, wash in warm soapy water and dry gently with a soft cloth.
- Emerald is a Beryllium Aluminum silicate whose green color is derived from impurities of Chromium, Vanadium, or a combination of the two. Emerald is May’s birthstone and Folklore suggests that it will improve memory, intelligence, and enhance clairvoyance. They are also worn to enhance love and contentment. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamer, petroleum distillates, heat
- Garnet is made of Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Iron, Chromium, Manganese and Titanium. It is the birthstone for January. Also known to help with healing, strength and protection. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, hydrofluoric acid, extreme temperature changes
- Green Garnet: the chemical elements include Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Iron, Chromium, Manganese and Titanium. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, hydrofluoric acid, extreme temperature changes
- Onyx is a Silicon Dioxide and is a member of the Chalcedony Quartz family. Onyx is associated with courage, and it was thought to be useful when defending oneself against criticism. It also is thought to have protective qualities, particularly when traveling. It is believed to bring about spiritual inspiration and to assist with keeping emotions and passions under control, as well as helping the wearer change bad habits. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: household chemicals, extreme temperature changes
- Hessonite is a Calcium Aluminum Silicate and is a variety of Grossularite Garnet. It’s color is due to the presence of Manganese. Hessonite is January’s birth stone and is a stone of creativity, believed to stimulate creativity on all levels and can be used to encourage self-respect, respect to others, and spiritual growth. In addition to this, Hessonite is believed to be a good balancing stone, calming the nerves, quitting the mind, and relieving depression. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, hydrofluoric acid, drastic temperature change
- Iolite is a complex Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, with traces of ferric / ferrous iron and manganese. Known to aid in leading the wearer to inner knowledge, increases spiritual insight, and helps with viewing an issue from both sides. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, acids, household chemicals, heat
- Kyanite is a blue silicate mineral. Some people believe it aids with self-expression, communication and supernatural abilities. Recommended Cleaning: cool, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, household chemicals, heat
- Labradorite is a translucent feldspar. Believed to bring forth each person’s strengths, originality, aids sleep, relate to others. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, water, heat
- Lapis Lazuli is a rock with a mixture of minerals with lazurite as the main constituent. The color is blue, mottled with white calcite and brassy pyrite. Recommended cleaning: mix cool water with a very mild soap. Wash only as needed and rinse quickly. Dry Lapis Lazulli jewelry thoroughly. Avoid steamers, ultrasonic cleaners and soaking when cleaning Lapis Lazulli.
- Larimar is a rare blue variety of Pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic, in the Caribbean. Its powers are believed to helps us view events from different perspectives, to soften and enlighten, to heal the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual body. Recommended Cleaning: wipe clean with a soft, damp cloth Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, household chemicals, chlorine, heat
- Moonstone is the most valuable form of feldspar, composed of albite, which gives it the bluish sheen, and orthoclase feldspar. It is believed to bring good fortune, to enhance passion, and balance the yin and yang and is said to protect women and children. It is said to enhance passion, sensitivity, intuition, physical abilities, and is said to bring good fortune. Recommended: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, household chemicals, heat
- Peridot is gem variety of Olivine and the birthstone for August. It is thought to bring the wearer good luck, peace, and success,. Its powers include health, protection, and sleep. The advantages of peridot are to attract love and calm anger while also soothing nerves and dispelling negative emotions. Recommended: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, household chemicals, perspiration, heat
- Prehnites is Calcium Aluminum Silicate. Known to provide protection during meditation and promotes calmness. Stimulates inner-knowing, and prophesy. It facilitates spiritual communication through meditation and is considered a powerful dream stone and is used to encourage lucid dreaming. Recommended: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, household chemicals
- Pearls: when an irritant (a tiny stone, or sand) gets inside the shell of an oyster /mussel; A lustrous substance, called nacre, is secreted around the object to protect the soft internal surface of the mollusk. As layer upon layer of nacre coats the irritant, a pearl is formed. Light that is reflected from these overlapping layers produces a iridescent luster. Building a solid pearl can take up to eight years. It is June’s birthstone, and considered to have the power of love, money, protection, and luck. Pearls are thought to give wisdom through experience, to quicken the laws of karma and to cement engagements and love relationships. They are thought to keep children safe. Recommended Cleaning: wipe with damp (not wet) cloth Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, acids, bases, perfumes/sprays, perspiration, heat
- Rose Quartz is a Silicon Dioxide and a macro crystalline variety of the Quartz family. Recent Studies have now proved through micro-analytical methods that the color of massive Rose Quartz is due to microscopic mineral fibers. The rare transparent Rose Quartz crystals owe their color to Aluminum and Phosphorous impurities. Rose Quartz is believed to balance the emotions, giving inner peace and harmony. It is said to calm aggression and enhance sensitivity, compassion, patience and forgiveness, while increasing self-esteem and self-confidence. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, household chemicals, heat
- Ruby is considered a protective stone providing the wearer with benefits such as invulnerability and preserved health. Also, inspires creativity, wisdom and love, as well as enhancing self-reliance / confidence and increasing spirituality. Rubies worn by men signified manhood and nobility. Rubies worn by women were said to invoke passion and power. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: household chemicals, heat
- Ruby, a form of Aluminum Oxide and is the most valuable gem in the Corundum family. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: household chemicals, heat
- Sapphire is a form of Aluminum Oxide known as Corundum. Considered a powerful stone that can take negative emotions and feelings and transform them into peace, love and joy. It is a very helpful gemstone, often used to treat skin and eye disorders, and to ward off infection. In addition to this, Sapphire has long been regarded as a symbol of constancy and sincerity. It bestows innocence, truth and good health. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: household chemicals, chlorine, heat
- Sapphire is a variety of Corundum, an aluminum oxide mineral that forms in prismatic tabular, bipyramidal or rhombohedral crystals, as well as granular or massive habits, and may be transparent to opaque. Low iron content in Corundum is responsible for Yellow Sapphire’s color. To clean sapphire, wipe gently with a damp cloth. Dry thoroughly with a soft cloth. Avoid hot water, soaking, chemicals, steamers or ultrasonic cleansers when cleaning sapphire.
- Smoky Quartz is Silicon Dioxide and a macro crystalline variety of the Quartz family. It is believed to be a calm and comforting stone that can alleviate stress and transform negative emotions into positive energies. Also said to provide clarity of thought, improve intuition and enhance survival instincts. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, household chemicals, heat
- Black Spinel is Magnesium Aluminum Oxide. Black Spinel, is said to be a protective stone and helps re-establish relationships and resolve issues. It is also believed to relieve sadness. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, household chemicals, heat
- Oregon Sunstone is a member of the feldspar group of minerals and is closely related to Moonstone; a Sunstone with copper inclusions instead of hematite. Known to strengthen the life force, bring luck, instill optimism and increase strength and vitality. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, abrasives, household chemicals, heat
- Tanzanite is part of the Zoisite mineral species and is only found in East Africa, very rarely a pure blue and usually exhibiting rich purple overtones. It is the birthstone for December and believed to uplift and open the heart. It is a gemstone that shows us a graceful, gracious way to live. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, steamers, acids, heat
- Tourmaline is made up of the complex Aluminum Borosilicate element, and depending upon the color of the gemstone, one or more of a number of metal ions, usually Iron, Magnesium and Lithium. Pink Tourmaline is believed to represent harmony, joy of life, and lust. It vibrates the heart chakra allowing the wearer to open themselves to many levels of love. It is also believed to inspire spirituality and creativity well enhancing the one’s willpower. Pink Tourmaline is suitable for females as it encourages female balance and security. Brown Tourmaline is said to help in self-healing, and to aid in finding emotional strength and self-acceptance. It inspires courage and persistence, while calming and soothing, helping to ground and stabilize the inner self. Recommended Cleaning: warm, soapy water with a soft brush. Dry well with a clean soft cloth. Avoid: ultrasonic, hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride, heat
- Turquoise: a blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum. Often considered a symbol of generosity, sincerity and affection. It is thought to preserve friendship and make friends of enemies. To bring good luck, it should be given, not bought. To dream of turquoise is to greet prosperity”. Recommended Cleaning: wipe with a soft cloth Avoid: ultrasonic, solvents, hairsprays/cosmetics, perspiration, skin oil, jewelry cleaner, heat